peter d'Agostino, exhibitions

Exhibitions: 1970s-2020s

[ survey link ]


World-Wide-Walks@50 (1973-2023)

Climate & Nuclear related installations

Harvestworks, NY Dec 2023

Art & Environment, UPV Spain, May 2024

World-Wide-Walks/between earth & water/ICE

Walking Voices, Fundacion Cerezales

Leon, Spain, Jan - Apr 2022

Proposal for QUBE

To Begin, Again, Wexner Center for the Arts

Columbus, OH, Feb - May 2022

World-Wide-Walks/between earth & sky/DONEGAL

Harvestworks NY Preview: Apr 2022

World-Wide-Walks/between earth & water/CAPES

Harvestworks NY, Preview: Apr 2021

Peter d’Agostino: A-bombs/Climate walks

Transmission Gallery Oakland CA, Oct - Nov 2020

TRACES (1995/2020) Preview

Peter d’Agostino: A-bombs/Climate walks

Transmission Gallery Oakland CA, Aug - Sept 2020

64 projections

The Brief, Largely Subterranean History of

Reese Palley Gallery, San Francisco, 1969–1972

Cushion Works San Francisco, Feb - Apr 2020

World-Wide-Walks ( screenings & book presentations )

Temple University, Rome; Università IUAV di Venezia, Oct 2019

Beatrice Wood video ( Peter d’Agostino, 1986/2019 )

In Beatrice Wood Remembers: Dada, Duchamp, Love and Tango

a film by Steven Watson at The Arensberg Circle of Artists

Francis Naumann Fine Art, New York, Sept – Nov 2019

Peter d'Agostino: COLD/HOT Walks, Wars & Climate Change

Martin Art Gallery, Muhlenberg College, PA Aug - Nov 2018

The Walk Series: Roof Walk

Way Bay   Jun - Sep 2018

Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive

Suburban Strategies:

LA ( Century City ), Dayton MALLing

The Edge of the Earth   Aug 2018

Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) London

Suburban Strategies: LA ( Century City )

Photography and Language

Cherry and Martin, Los Angeles, Aug - Oct 2016


Interactive Arts e.V. Kreativikum Eilbek

Hamburg, Germany Oct - Nov 2017

World-Wide-Walks @40 ( selected works, 1973-2012 )

Austria: Interface Cultures, UFG, Linz. Spain: FLUX Club, Barcelona;

Bellas Artes, UPV/EHU, Bilbao; LaboLuz, UPV, Valencia. Mar 2016

World-Wide-Walks/between earth & water/ICE

ISEA 2015, International Symposium on Electronic Art

Preview: Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Aug 2015

World-Wide-Walks/between earth & water/DESERTS

Installation: preview of a work-in-progress

Balance / Unbalance Conference, ASU Tempe AZ Mar 2015

World-Wide-Walks/between earth & water/ICE

Installation: preview of a work-in-progress

Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center, NY, Apr 2014

The Walk Series: installation, 1973 / 2008

State of Mind: New California Art Circa 1970

Smart Museum of Art, Chicago, Oct 2013-Jan 2014

Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, Jun-Sep 2013

SITE Santa Fe, New Mexico, Feb-May 2013

Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, Sep-Dec 2012

University Art Museum, Berkeley, Feb-Jun 2012

Orange County Museum of Art, Oct 2011-Jan 2012

NFS Press, SF & Tanam Press, NY

Printed Matter, New York, May - Jun 2013

Temple University Library, Philadelphia, Apr 2014

TeleTapes Remote Control

Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA)

London, Apr-Jun 2012

World-Wide-Walks/between earth & sky/1973-2012

Bizkaia de la UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain, Mar-Apr 2012

CHUNG: 'Still' Another Meaning, 1977 / 2008

Under the Big Black Sun: California Art, 1974-81

MOCA, Los Angeles, Oct 2011-Feb 2012

Peter d'Agostino: 1970s-2010s ( Selected Works )

Braunstein/Quay Gallery, San Francisco, Jul-Aug 2011

The Walk Series: Roof Walk, 1973 / 2008

Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts

California College of the Arts

San Francisco, Apr-Jul 2011

W-W-W: between earth & sky / Temples

Crane Arts, Tyler School of Art

Performing Arts Center, Temple University, Apr 2011

Radical Light: Alternative Film and Video

in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1945-2000

Berkeley Art Museum / PFA, Oct 2010-Apr 2011

W-W-W: BERLIN - LODZ - SOFIA, 1990 / 2009

Work in Motion - migration, mobility and labor

Red House Center Art Gallery, Bulgaria, Jun 2009

Kino Museum / Artists' Museum, Poland, Oct 1990

LA: Dean BURST 2008 installation

Freewaves Biennial Festival "Hollywould"

Hollywood Blvd and Los Angeles Forum, Oct 2008

coming & going: San Francisco (BART) 1978/2008

The Floating Museum, survey exhibition

New Langton Arts, San Francisco, Sept-Oct 2008

comings & goings: 1977/2008 installation

PARIS (Metro), San Francisco (BART),

Washington (METRO) California Video

The Getty Center, LA, Mar-Jun 2008

between earth & sky: MX, 1973 - 2007

Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Mexico City, Aug-Sept 2007

@Silicon_Valley: SJC - MEX

ISEA ZeroOne Festival

MACLA San Jose & LAA Mexico City Aug-Oct 2006

VR/RV: a Recreational Vehicle in Virtual Reality

Immersive virtuality video / web project, 1992-2002

Harvestworks 30th Anniversary, New York, Oct 2008

NappeR / ViewS

SILVER, 25th Anniversary Retrospective exhibition

Houston Center for Photography, Nov Dec 2006

between earth & sky: Cordoban Ceilings, 2001-03

University of Paris I Partheon-Sorbonne, Mar-Apr 2003