Beatrice Wood: Mama of Dada
Peter d’Agostino © 1987/2020 Video installation Preview: 2 of 20min loop Edition: 5+2 AP
Beatrice Wood sat for this video when she came to the Philadelphia Museum of Art for the Duchamp Centennial celebration in 1987. She begins with her first meeting with Marcel, their collaboration with Roche on The Blind Man review, and continues to describe other remarkable events.
Beatrice Wood (1883-1998) was a ceramic artist known as much for her irreverent quips, beauty, bohemian life style and famous lovers as for her luminous luster-glaze chalices. She was an inspiration for Roche's novel about a menage a trois, "Jules et Jim," that was made into a 1961 film by Francois Truffaut. ( NYT 3.14.1998 )