peter d'Agostino

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coming & going: San Francisco (BART)
Installation: video/photo/text, 1978
[ video preview: 20 sec ]

The basic structure of this project encompasses the everyday experiences of
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) commuters: entering and leaving the stations, buying
tickets, waiting on platforms, boarding and exiting trains, etc. Within this context,
the broader framework of BART was investigated, from the surveillance of passengers
and the inner workings of the system to the outside environment that parallels the
underground route of the train. Several layers of images, sounds and information related
to BART include: An automated ticket machine rejecting dollars as commuters
attempt to buy tickets; a scene from the master control room showing the progress of
the trains throughout the system; and a car drive from Berkeley to San Francisco,
crossing the Bay Bridge while the train travels in the tube below the Bay.