Peter d’Agostino © 1979/2020
Digital video from 35mm slides Preview: 2 of 4min loop Edition: 5+2 AP
Lookout tower on Bear Mountain, Arizona, 1979. A walk up the ladder into the obsevation deck begins three sequences each separated by “Lookout” intertitles. The cycle continues until a new title “Outlook” reverses the sequence before returning to the original order. Four sets of 20 / 35mm slides served to fill the 80 slots of a Kodak Carousel projector slide tray to display the images as a continuous loop.
With Bruce Grossman, Deirdre Dowdakin, and Brien Dowdakin ( In memorium, 1954-2018 ).
Exhibition: The Fine Arts Gallery, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, 1979