peter d'Agostino

Interactive Video Installations

traces virt

DOUBLE YOU (and X, Y, Z.)

Peter d’Agostino © 1981-85/2020

The focus of this work is the acquisition of language,
juxtaposed with an underlying theme derived from physics.
The structure is based on the four forces - light, gravity, strong
and weak - that cause all physical interactions in the universe.
Through analogy and metaphor, these concepts parallel
four periods of early language development: light/birth,
gravity/words, strong force/sentences, weak force/songs.

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TransmissionS: In the WELL

Peter d’Agostino © 1981-85/2020

A metaphorical history of the electronic age through a series
of impressions, tableaux, and monologues of informed
commentary, TransmissionS moves back & forth in time
from the 'big bang' to seminal figures of the electronic era -
Edison, Tesla, and Marconi. Based on the true story of a young
boy who falls into a well, the installation explores a number
of universal themes: myths of Icarus falling and Orpheus
in the underworld; stories of Mother Earth,
emergence, rebirth and resurrection.

[ Link to Virtual Edition ]

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Peter d’Agostino © 1989-95/2020

Based on the ancient art of string figures, popularly known
as cat's cradles, STRING CYCLES is an allegory for the
transmission of knowledge in the Internet age.
It is a weave of traditional storytelling themes - from African
folktales and the Homeric epics to the visual poetics of Mallarme
- juxtaposed with 'superstring' theories in physics and
the Buddhist story of Indra's Net, which tells of an endless
series of threads connecting the universe.

[ Link to Virtual Edition ]