World-Wide-Walks / SFBAY
Peter d’Agostino © 2021
Video installation Virtual preview: 6min (of 18:00 loop) Edition: 5 + 2 AP
Three Walks (at the base of Sutro Tower, on the Bay Bridge, in the San Francisco cloud forest) are juxtaposed with views overlooking the bay from the Oakland / Berkeley Hills. A score by Reese Williams combines with environmental sounds and images shifting times and places, during the week of June 21, 2014.*
The installation will simulate the changing light in the room overlooking the bay where the video was originally recorded and projected. As the sun sets, a luminous white space gradually darkens to reveal the projected images. In the darkened space, the video plays in its entirety before the light re-emerges to wash out the images as the room returns to bright white. The continuous sound track maintains a presence in the space as images appear and disappear during the looping cycles of light to dark - dark to light.
* Summer solstice time cycle, sunset 8:35pm to 10:30pm darkness (Astro twilight).